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  Ninomiya Komaki / A specially appointed substitute teacher / Tohoku University Tohoku University, Graduate School of Life Sciences
Name にのみや こまき
二宮 小牧
Ninomiya Komaki
Position 特任助教
Laboratory Name 生命科学研究科 細胞動態制御研究分野(Tohoku University, Graduate School of Life Sciences)
Institution Name 東北大学(Tohoku University)
Institution Address 980-8578  宮城県  仙台市青葉区  荒巻字青葉6番3号 (6-3, Aza-Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, SENDAI 980-8578, , , 980-8578 , )
Laboratory URL http://www.lifesci.tohoku.ac.jp/research/histgenetic_dynamics/ / http://www.lifesci.tohoku.ac.jp/en/research/histogenetic-dynamics/